In legal proceedings, a written statement serves as a crucial document that allows the defendant to present their version of the facts and arguments before the court. It is a formal response to the allegations made in the plaintiff’s plaint. This article will guide you through the procedure of drafting a written statement in India, ensuring that you understand the essential components and considerations involved in this process.
Easy way of drafting a written statement with sample draft
In any legal dispute, it is vital for the defendant to respond to the allegations raised against them. The written statement allows the defendant to present their defense and counter the claims made by the plaintiff. It is essential to draft a comprehensive and well-structured counter to ensure that your defense is effectively communicated to the court.
The procedure of drafting is governed by the Civil Procedure Code, 1908, in India. According to Order VIII, Rule 1, the defendant has to submit the written statement within 30 days from the date of receiving the summons, or a specific time granted by the court.
Before drafting a WS, it is crucial to carefully read and understand the allegations mentioned in the plaintiff’s plaint. Analyze each claim and gather all the necessary information and evidence that will support your defense.
To strengthen your defense, it is essential to gather all relevant information and documents related to the case. This may include contracts, agreements, correspondence, or any other evidence that supports your version of the facts. Thoroughly review these materials and identify the key points to be incorporated into your WS.
A well-structured WS ensures clarity and coherence. Begin with an introduction, followed by separate paragraphs addressing each allegation. It is advisable to number each paragraph for easy reference and cross-referencing with the plaintiff’s plaint.
While drafting the WS, it is important to maintain a formal tone and provide a point-by-point response to each allegation. Clearly state your defense, presenting the facts, arguments, and legal provisions supporting your case. It is crucial to avoid any irrelevant or extraneous information that may dilute the strength of your defense.
After drafting the written statement, review it thoroughly for any grammatical errors, factual inconsistencies, or legal inaccuracies. Ensure that the language used is clear, concise, and persuasive. Seek the assistance of legal experts or professionals to review your written statement, if required.
Once you are satisfied with the final draft of your written statement, it is time to file it with the court. Make several copies of the written statement and attach the necessary court fees. Submit the original written statement to the court, keeping the copies for your records and serving them to the plaintiff’s counsel.
CIVIL SUIT NO. _______OF 2022
Mrs. Seema Singh, aged about 28 years, W/o Late Mr. Arun Singh,
R/o Prem Nagar, Dehradun ………………………………. Plaintiff
It is, therefore, prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:
Place: Dehradun DEFENDANT THROUGH Date: 24/03/2022 JEET SINHA
We, Ram Singh (Defendant no. 1) and Director (Defendant no. 2) do hereby declare that the facts from 1 to 7 are correct to best of our knowledge and the facts of para 8 to 11 are believed to be correct on account of legal advice sought.
Place: Dehradun DEFENDANTS THROUGH Date: 24/03/2022 JEET SINHA
Watch the procedure of drafting in simple manner on Jeet Sinha YouTube Channel by clicking here.
Drafting a written statement is a crucial step in defending your case in legal proceedings. By following the proper procedure and ensuring that your written statement is well-structured and persuasive, you can effectively present your defense before the court. Remember to adhere to the specified timelines and legal requirements during the drafting and filing process.
Q1: Can I request an extension of the 30-day deadline for submitting the written statement? Yes, under certain circumstances, you may apply for an extension of time to submit the written statement. It is advisable to consult with your legal counsel and make the necessary application to the court.
Q2: What happens if I fail to file a written statement within the specified time? If you fail to file a written statement within the stipulated time, the court may proceed with the case based on the evidence presented by the plaintiff. It is crucial to adhere to the deadlines to avoid any adverse consequences.
Q3: Can I amend the written statement after filing it with the court? Yes, you may seek permission from the court to amend your written statement. However, it is essential to provide valid reasons for the amendment and ensure that it does not cause any prejudice to the other party.
Q4: Is it necessary to hire a lawyer for drafting the written statement? While it is not mandatory to hire a lawyer, seeking legal assistance can significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of your written statement. An experienced lawyer can guide you through the process and ensure that your defense is well-presented.
Q5: Can I rely on oral arguments instead of filing a written statement? No, a written statement is a mandatory requirement in civil proceedings. It provides a formal record of your defense and allows the court to consider your arguments and evidence while adjudicating the case.
In conclusion, drafting a written statement in India is a critical aspect of legal proceedings. By following the prescribed procedure, understanding the allegations, and presenting a well-structured defense, you can effectively protect your rights and present your case before the court. Remember to consult with legal professionals for guidance and support throughout the process