Running A Booster Club Meeting

booster club volunteers at work

Let’s be honest. Most people don’t like attening or running a booster club meeting. They are often stuffy, boring, and drag on way past the scheduled end time. In some cases, hardly any work gets done because side topics and conversations got started.

One of the best ways to keep your members regularly attending booster club meetings is actually to start and end on time. With busy schedules and lives, having your meetings start and end on time is a great way to keep the members actively showing up.

Running a booster club meeting can be both organized as well as fun.

It’s also important to schedule your meetings far enough apart that there is plenty of both old and new content to discuss.

Two issues that can happen from scheduling meeting too far apart:

  1. Members forget what happened since the last meeting.
  2. It can cause a lull in communication, which could result in declining activity for the club.

The best way to schedule meetings is by making them a regular occurrence.

  1. Holding your meetings on the same day every month or bi-monthly makes it easier for members to schedule.
  2. Choosing a time of day that works for the members increases the attendance rates at the meetings.
  3. Most booster clubs operate on a once a month meeting schedule and choose to add-in extra meetings as needed to cover special purposes.

Having a plan for the meetings help to keep them on track and the discussion flowing in a positive and on-task direction. Not only that, but it can also help to keep the meeting running on time.

What To Include In Every Meeting's Agenda

Some things to include in your meeting are: