
--> Valencia College now requires Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for Atlas and related systems. Add or Update Multifactor Authentication Method.

Forgot Password?

Forgot Username?

Try logging in with the first letter of your first name and your entire last name (example: Charli Atlas would have catlas as the username). You may have one or more numbers at the end of your username (example: catlas1 or catlas112).

If that doesn't work, please contact the Atlas Student Help Desk at or 407-582-5444 to obtain your Atlas username.

Former Students

If you have not registered for classes in two or more years, you are considered an inactive student and must reapply for admission before you can access your Atlas account. Inactive students do not require an Atlas account to request official transcripts; click here for more information about requesting official transcripts. Reach out to one of our Student Support Services if you need additional assistance.

What Is Atlas?

Atlas is Valencia's online learning community that connects you to the resources you need to succeed.

Note: If you are a former (inactive) Valencia College student who has not registered for classes in two or more years, you must reapply for admission before you can recreate your Atlas account. Inactive students do not require an Atlas account to request official transcripts; click here for more information about requesting official transcripts. Reach out to one of our Student Support Services if you need additional assistance.

Features for Students:

Features for Faculty & Staff: