Four sample Logic Games from the June ’07 LSAT, with full solutions

Directions given during actual exam: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.

Game One

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Alternatively, you can also try the game on your own first before watching the explanation on the video.

Scenario and Rules

A company employee generates a series of five-digit product codes in accordance with the following rules:

Question 1.

If the last digit of an acceptable product code is 1, it must be true that the

(A) first digit is 2
(B) second digit is 0
(C) third digit is 3
(D) fourth digit is 4
(E) fourth digit is 0

Question 2.

Which one of the following must be true about any acceptable product code?

(A) The digit 1 appears in some position before the digit 2.
(B) The digit 1 appears in some position before the digit 3.
(C) The digit 2 appears in some position before the digit 3.
(D) The digit 3 appears in some position before the digit 0.
(E) The digit 4 appears in some position before the digit 3.

Question 3.

If the third digit of an acceptable product code is not 0, which one of the following must be true?

(A) The second digit of the product code is 2.
(B) The third digit of the product code is 3.
(C) The fourth digit of the product code is 0.
(D) The fifth digit of the product code is 3.
(E) The fifth digit of the product code is 1.

Question 4.

Any of the following pairs could be the third and fourth digits, respectively, of an acceptable product code, EXCEPT:

Question 5.

Which one of the following must be true about any acceptable product code?

(A) There is exactly one digit between the digit 0 and the digit 1.
(B) There is exactly one digit between the digit 1 and the digit 2.
(C) There are at most two digits between the digit 1 and the digit 3.
(D) There are at most two digits between the digit 2 and the digit 3.
(E) There are at most two digits between the digit 2 and the digit 4.

Game Two

Scenario and Rules

Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club’s festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each film is shown at least once during the festival but never more than once on a given day. On each day at least one film is shown. Films are shown one at a time. The following conditions apply:

Question 6.

Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate description of the order in which the films are shown at the festival?

(A) Thursday: Limelight, then Harvest; Friday: Limelight; Saturday: Harvest
(B) Thursday: Harvest; Friday: Greed, then Limelight; Saturday: Limelight, then Greed
(C) Thursday: Harvest; Friday: Limelight; Saturday: Limelight, then Greed
(D) Thursday: Greed, then Harvest, then Limelight; Friday: Limelight; Saturday: Greed
(E) Thursday: Greed, then Harvest; Friday: Limelight, then Harvest; Saturday: Harvest

Question 7.

Which one of the following CANNOT be true?

(A) Harvest is the last film shown on each day of the festival.
(B) Limelight is shown on each day of the festival.
(C) Greed is shown second on each day of the festival.
(D) A different film is shown first on each day of the festival.
(E) A different film is shown last on each day of the festival.

Question 8.

If Limelight is never shown again during the festival once Greed is shown, then which one of the following is the maximum number of film showings that could occur during the festival?

Question 9.

If Greed is shown exactly three times, Harvest is shown exactly twice, and Limelight is shown exactly once, then which one of the following must be true?

(A) All three films are shown on Thursday.
(B) Exactly two films are shown on Saturday.
(C) Limelight and Harvest are both shown on Thursday.
(D) Greed is the only film shown on Saturday.
(E) Harvest and Greed are both shown on Friday.

Question 10.

If Limelight is shown exactly three times, Harvest is shown exactly twice, and Greed is shown exactly once, then which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the films that could be the first film shown on Thursday?

(A) Harvest
(B) Limelight
(C) Greed, Harvest
(D) Greed, Limelight
(E) Greed, Harvest, Limelight

Game Three

Scenario and Rules

A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom’s schedule:

Question 11.

Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule of destinations for Freedom, in order from week 1 through week 7?

(A) Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Trinidad
(B) Guadeloupe, Martinique, Trinidad, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Trinidad
(C) Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Trinidad
(D) Martinique, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Trinidad
(E) Martinique, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique

Question 12.

Which one of the following CANNOT be true about Freedom’s schedule of voyages?

(A) Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 6.
(B) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 5.
(C) Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 6.
(D) Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 3.
(E) Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 3.

Question 13.

If Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 5, which one of the following could be true?

(A) Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 1.
(B) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 2.
(C) Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 3.
(D) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 4.
(E) Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 6.

Question 14.

If Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 1 and a voyage to Jamaica in week 5, which one of the following must be true?

(A) Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 2.
(B) Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 2.
(C) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 3.
(D) Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 6.
(E) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 6.

Question 15.

If Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 1 and to Trinidad in week 2, which one of the following must be true?

(A) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 3.
(B) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 4.
(C) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 5.
(D) Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 3.
(E) Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 5.

Question 16.

If Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 3, which one of the following could be an accurate list of Freedom’s destinations in week 4 and week 5, respectively?

(A) Guadeloupe, Trinidad
(B) Jamaica, Guadeloupe
(C) Martinique, Trinidad
(D) Trinidad, Jamaica
(E) Trinidad, Martinique

Question 17.

Which one of the following must be true about Freedom’s schedule of voyages?

(A) Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe either in week 1 or else in week 2.
(B) Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique either in week 2 or else in week 3.
(C) Freedom makes at most two voyages to Guadeloupe.
(D) Freedom makes at most two voyages to Jamaica.
(E) Freedom makes at most two voyages to Trinidad.

Game Four

Scenario and Rules

There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold:

Question 18.

Which one of the following could be an accurate account of all the kinds of material recycled at each recycling center in Rivertown?

(A) Center 1: newsprint, plastic, wood; Center 2: newsprint, wood; Center 3: glass, tin, wood
(B) Center 1: glass, newsprint, tin; Center 2: glass, newsprint, tin; Center 3: newsprint, plastic, wood
(C) Center 1: glass, newsprint, wood; Center 2: glass, newsprint, tin; Center 3: plastic, tin
(D) Center 1: glass, plastic, tin; Center 2: glass, tin; Center 3: newsprint, wood
(E) Center 1: newsprint, plastic, wood; Center 2: newsprint, plastic, wood; Center 3: glass, newsprint, tin

Question 19.

Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the recycling centers in Rivertown any one of which could recycle plastic?

(A) Center 1 only
(B) Center 3 only
(C) Center 1, Center 2
(D) Center 1, Center 3
(E) Center 1, Center 2, Center 3

Question 20.

If Center 2 recycles three kinds of material, then which one of the following kinds of material must Center 3 recycle?

(A) glass
(B) newsprint
(C) plastic
(D) tin
(E) wood

Question 21.

If each recycling center in Rivertown recycles exactly three kinds of material, then which one of the following could be true?

(A) Only Center 2 recycles glass.
(B) Only Center 3 recycles newsprint.
(C) Only Center 1 recycles plastic.
(D) Only Center 3 recycles tin.
(E) Only Center 1 recycles wood.

Question 22.

If Center 3 recycles glass, then which one of the following kinds of material must Center 2 recycle?

(A) glass
(B) newsprint
(C) plastic
(D) tin
(E) wood

Question 23.

If Center 1 is the only recycling center that recycles wood, then which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the kinds of material that one of the recycling centers recycles?

(A) plastic, tin
(B) newsprint, wood
(C) newsprint, tin
(D) glass, wood
(E) glass, tin

More to Explore

Related Sample Chapters from The LSAT Trainer:
Introduction to Logic Games
LSAT Vocabulary

About the Author

Mike Kim is the author of The LSAT Trainer, the most popular and acclaimed new LSAT learning study guide to be released in over a decade. Previously, he co-created the curriculum for Manhattan LSAT. Inspired by self-study students who prepare for the exam on their own, Mike set out to write the ultimate self-study guide, and The LSAT Trainer is the result.

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